Prime Minister’s message on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

Published : May 28, 2023 , 11:53 pm

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, File photo.

Dhaka, Broadcasting News Corporation : Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has given the following Message on the occasion of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers-2023 :
“I am happy to know that the ‘International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers-2023’ is being observed in Bangladesh as elsewhere in the world. The theme of day ‘Peace Begins Within Me’ has been appropriate. On the occasion of this day, I proudly recall the important role of Bangladesh in the UN peacekeeping operations and extend my heartiest congratulations and felicitations to all Bangladeshi peacekeeping members.
I remember with profound respect those peacekeepers who sacrificed their lives for the cause of world peace and made the country’s flag brighter in the globe. I solemnly pray for the salvation of their departed souls and convey my wholehearted sympathy to their bereaved family members.
Bangladesh became a member of the United Nations on 17 September 1974. The greatest Bengali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in his historic speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 25 of the same year, said, ‘Peace is absolutely necessary for the protection of the existence of mankind. The hopes and aspirations of all men and women in the world are embodied in this peace.’ In the UNGA, he expressed firm commitment to Bangladesh’s continued support to establish peace all over the world. Since then, Bangladesh has been maintaining good relations with all the peaceful and friendly countries of the world and has been actively participating in all the peacekeeping activities conducted under the United Nations to establish world peace. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib was awarded the ‘Joliot-Curie Peace Medal’ on 23 May 1973 in recognition of his contribution to the establishment of world peace and human rights.
In line with the philosophy of the Father of the Nation, we have established Bangladesh as a dedicated proponent of world peace. In 1997, we placed a declaration and programme of actions titled ‘Culture of Peace’ to the United Nations in the form of a resolution which was unanimously adopted on 13 September 1999. Later, the United Nations declared the year 2000 as ‘International Year of Culture of Peace’ and the years 2001-2010 as ‘Culture of Peace and the decade of non-Violence’. Bangladesh considers that the establishment of ‘Culture of Peace’ is essential to comprehensively consolidate the message of peace and implement the ‘Agenda-2030’. Our efforts ‘Women Peace and Security Agenda’ are playing a significant role to ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in peacemaking, conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Bangladesh has been playing an important role in ensuring women’s participation and protection in the peacekeeping operations.
Bangladesh is committed to global peacekeeping and peace-building efforts. We are the highest peacekeeping contributing country to the United Nations. The unique contribution of our peacekeepers to the UN multinational forces has brightened the image of the nation and made Bangladesh a dignified country in the world. At the same time, it played an important role in strengthening diplomatic ties with the economically and militarily powerful countries of the world. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Bangladeshi peacekeepers in different parts of the world have been working with high standard of professionalism, efficiency and dedication for the cause of establishing peace, and have won the trust and confidence of the people of those countries’ by restoring peace to the war-ravaged countries. The pride and dignity that Bangladesh has gained today as an actively participating country in promoting peace around the world is the outcome of outstanding professionalism, courage, bravery and skills of our peacekeepers.
On behalf of the government and the people of Bangladesh, I reiterate my full support to the UN for the protection and promotion of world peace. The Awami League government will continue its all efforts to ensure that Bangladeshi peacekeepers can respond to the call of the UN with more confidence. I hope that our peacekeepers will establish Bangladesh as a powerful peace building nation in the world through their expertise, professionalism, courage and dedication in the UN peacekeeping operations, and will further brighten the country’s image in the world.
I wish the ‘International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers-2023’ a complete success. I also wish all the peacekeepers a grand success and well-being.
Joi Bangla, Joi Bangabandhu
May Bangladesh Live Forever.”