Arab leaders, US President Biden affirm common vision for region at Jeddah summit

Published : July 17, 2022 , 6:22 am

The leaders affirmed their common vision for a region where peace and prosperity prevail. (AFP)

JEDDAH, Broadcasting News Corporation : The one-day Jeddah Security and Development Summit, hosted by Saudi Arabia, brought leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council member countries, in addition to Jordan, Egypt and Iraq, together with US President Joe Biden. In a joint statement at the end of the event, the leaders affirmed their common vision for a region where peace and prosperity prevail. They renewed their call for Iran to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency and with regional countries to keep the Gulf free of weapons of mass destruction. On regional affairs, the leaders affirmed their common vision for a region where peace and prosperity prevail, noting that this requires taking all necessary measures to jointly confront the challenges the region faces, and requires adherence to the rules of good neighborliness, and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. In the final statement, the leaders renewed their call to Iran to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency and with regional countries to keep the Gulf free of weapons of mass destruction. They stressed the importance of respect for the rules of good neighborliness, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, and positive cooperation with countries in the region and the international community in a manner that preserves regional and international security and stability. “The leaders reiterated their condemnation of terrorism, and reaffirmed their keenness to strengthen efforts to combat terrorism and extremism, prevent the armament and financing of terror groups and confront all activities that threaten the region’s security and stability,” the final statement said. In this context, the leaders welcomed Biden’s emphasis on a permanent US commitment to the security of its partners, as well as recognition of the region’s central role in connecting the Indo-Pacific with Europe, Africa and the Americas. The discussions also aimed to address collectively environmental challenges and confront climate change, including the Saudi Green and the Middle East Green Initiatives, announced last October by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in addition to the development of renewable energy sources. The leaders said they look forward to climate conferences, such as the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), which will be hosted later by Egypt and the UAE.
On energy, the leaders affirmed the importance of the stability of energy markets and praised Saudi Arabia’s leading role in achieving consensus within OPEC+ as well as the latter’s efforts to keep oil markets stable in a manner that serves consumer and producer interests. The final statement said that “holding the summit confirmed the Kingdom’s global economic weight, in addition to its regional and international responsibility and its pivotal role in the security and stability of the region. “The response of the GCC leaders to the invitation of King Salman affirms the common vision for a region of peace and stability, the importance of commitment to the security of the region, defense and security cooperation, and the protection of maritime shipping routes in accordance with the principles of international legitimacy.” The Jeddah meeting sought to confirm the historical partnership among the GCC countries, deepen joint cooperation in various fields, and build joint projects that contribute to achieving sustainable development in the region. The summit affirmed the importance of close cooperation and common visions on a number of issues and situations in the region, including affirming the GCC stance supporting the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in accordance with the UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, “(Gulf) leaders stressed the need to reach a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the two-state solution,” the final statement said, adding that they acknowledged the importance of supporting the Palestinian economy and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). On the matter of the Yemen conflict, the leaders condemned Houthi terrorist attacks against civilians, landmarks and energy facilities, and welcomed the formation of a Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen. The final statement expressed support for a negotiated solution between the Yemeni government and the Houthis, welcomed the extension of the truce, and underscored the importance of commitment to continue supporting the humanitarian and relief needs of the Yemeni people. Among other things, the summit voiced support for Iraq’s security, stability and prosperity, as well as political solutions to all crises in the region, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and principles. The leaders discussed Syria and said efforts must be intensified to reach a political solution to the crisis in a manner that maintains the country’s unity and sovereignty, and fulfils the Syrian people’s aspirations. The final statement underscored the importance of Lebanon’s stability and the independence of its political decision. With regard to the situation in Libya, the leaders renewed their call for unifying military institutions under UN supervision, and voiced the necessity of holding parliamentary and presidential elections. As far as Sudan is concerned, the leaders reaffirmed their support of efforts aimed at achieving stability and encouraged a consensus among the various parties.
Addressing the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the leaders called for a diplomatic solution that achieves the interests of all parties concerned — mainly Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan — and contributes to regional prosperity. With regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Jeddah summit affirmed the participants’ commitment to the principles of international law and the UN Charter, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, non-use of force or the threat of force, in addition to the support for mediation efforts, a political solution to the crisis through negotiations, provision of humanitarian and relief assistance. On Afghanistan, the leaders noted that efforts must continue to provide humanitarian aid to the country and deal with the threat of terrorists. The leaders also thanked Qatar for supporting the security and stability of the Afghan people. The leaders welcomed the preparations by the state of Qatar for hosting the 2022 World Cup, and reiterated their support for all efforts to ensure its success. News collected from ARAB NEWS.