Spaniards debate a wind farm off a picturesque coast

Published : July 20, 2022 , 6:29 am

A view of Cadaqués, Spain, which was once frequented by Salvador Dalí.

Broadcasting News Corporation : Several decades ago, the Mediterranean coast of the small Spanish town of Port Lligat provided the backdrop for Salvador Dalí to compose some of his most famous Surrealist paintings.
Now, government officials are set to approve a huge floating wind farm on that same horizon, inciting an intense debate among fishermen, scientists, business leaders and activists that reflects a broader disagreement across the continent. While most Europeans support boosting renewable energy, there is less consensus over where to build wind, solar and hydroelectricity projects. The dozens of proposed turbines — intended to harness the volatile northerly winds in the area known as la Tramontana — would power Catalonia, which is highly dependent on fossil fuels. But they would also fundamentally alter the character of a region that has changed little from the time when Dalí walked the hills. News collected from The New York Times.